Ulsia Urrea Marino

Ulsía Urrea Mariño, M.S.

Graduate Research Assistant
Phone Number
Fax Number
Project Title
Building Urban Resilience with Nature and Community-Based Solutions: A Mixed Methods Study in the Gulf of Mexico
Expected Graduation Year
M.S. Urban Studies, El Colegio de México (2015)
B.S. Sustainable Management of Coastal Zones, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2012)

Ulsía is from Mexico City, Mexico. In 2017, Ulsía participated in the Harte Research Institute's Student Workshop on International Coastal and Marine Management (SWIMM) program where she was first connected with the Institute. Since that time, Ulsía has been remained connected to HRI's projects, especially with the SWIMM events (2018 and 2020), the Trinational Initiative (2018), and the Gulf of Mexico Coral Reef Preliminary Report Card (2019). Ulsía is now a Doctoral student in the Coastal and Marine Systems Science program and a Crutchfield Fellow in the Community Resilience Group working toward her PhD in urban resilience due to climate change in the Gulf of Mexico. In her graduate courses, she focuses her studies on beach management, coastal cities, fishermen, and fisheries. What Ulsía likes most about her research work is to compare the analysis of urban planning and land use planning instruments with the actions that local governments have carried out. Interviews and non-participant observation are the essential tools she uses.

In her spare time, Ulsía likes to play with her cats and relax on the nearest beach. She is an outreach enthusiast, a scientist committed to evidence-based decisions, and a promoter of women's participation in STEAM areas. Her plan is to continue her academic career and support in the decision-making processes and outreach activities of marine and coastal issues.